2017 customer satisfaction survey
Once again, our assessment of the results reveals a very high degree of overall satisfaction, with many happy to recommend us to other people. Our customers have reaffirmed the level that we have reached since our last major customer survey in 2013, demonstrating that we are on the right track and motivating us to keep on improving our products and services.
Compared to the last analysis, we have made significant improvements to our services, including back-office and field sales, commercial order processing, delivery and shipping as well as technical advice on applications. We are pleased to see that the measures we decided on following the last survey are paying off and have resulted in more satisfied customers.
However, their feedback also shows us that we can do even more to improve a few elements of our training programme, our website and how we handle complaints. We will be working hard to put this right.
Our findings help us to understand our customers’ requirements even better. We will use them as a basis for identifying additional potential for improvement, determine corresponding measures and ensure they are implemented consistently. Our aim is to strengthen our position as a customer-focused company and to inspire our customers with our products and services rather than simply leaving them satisfied.