Customer satisfaction analysis 2013
Based on this data, overall satisfaction grew from 82.4% in 2009 to 86.7% in 2013. 88.0% of our customers would recommend our products and services to others (2009: 85.4%). This is an excellent result compared to other companies in the industry, where the average level of customer satisfaction is 83.7% and the rate of recommendation is 81,6 %*.
SIMONA Schweiz
In der Schweiz konnten wir eine Gesamtzufriedenheit von 89,3 % (2009: 86,7 %) und eine Weiterempfehlungsquote von 88,7 % (2009: 89,3 %) erreichen.
In addition to revealing how our products and services are received, the findings will help us to improve our understanding of customer requirements. Based on this data, we will draw up appropriate measures and implement them rigorously throughout the company. Our aim is to strengthen our position as a customer-focused company and ensure that our customers are not only satisfied but also inspired by the service we offer.
Any questions or suggestions? Mr. Michael Ernst, Head of Customer Service, looks forward to assisting you: +49 67 52 14-310,
* Source: D. Hass / J. Link / C. Wingerter: Kundenzufriedenheitsbarometer für die mittelständische Industriegüterbranche, Künzelsau 2009, p. 47-48