Demanding requirements for use in water management
As an α-nucleated homopolymeric polypropylene (PP-H), SIMONA® PP-H AlphaPlus® is predestined for use in waterworks. The fine crystallite structure of the material has a particularly positive effect on the surface roughness of the internal pipe surfaces carrying the media. This greatly reduces pipe friction and minimises pressure losses. In addition, the extremely low surface roughness is a key quality criterion when it comes to mitigating the risk of adhesion to the inner pipe surfaces and thus contamination of drinking water. These properties also proved to be a compelling proposition for our partner Keller Industriemontagen, who opted for SIMONA's PP-H AlphaPlus® products, among others, when selecting materials for the project.
Initial situation
Zweckverband Wasserversorgung Nordostwürttemberg (NOW) made the decision to treat and (partially) soften raw water from approx. 60 wells and springs at the Murrtal waterworks in compliance with the latest technical and ecological standards. Alongside an ultrafiltration system to reduce and eliminate turbidity, microplastics and pathogens, the installation was also to include activated carbon filters for the purpose of dealing with residues of pesticides or pharmaceuticals. The CARIX (CArbon Dioxide Regenerated Ion EXchanger) method was to be used for water softening. This was to be complemented by a UV disinfection system for additional safety.
Particularly exacting standards had to be met by the pipe systems as part of the construction of the new waterworks. In addition to excellent durability and low incrustation, the pipe system had to be suitable for use in drinking water installations.
The SIMONA® PP-H AlphaPlus® pipes and fittings and SIMONA® PP-H AlphaPlus® sheets were delivered to the production facility of Keller Industriemontagen GmbH, Durmersheim, for prefabrication as well as directly to the construction site for pipeline installation. The diameters of the PP-H AlphaPlus®-100 pipes ranged from 20 to 280 mm in SDR 17.6.
Together with matching SIMONA® PP-H AlphaPlus® fittings such as tees, bends, reducers, stub flanges and loose flanges, SIMONA was thus able to provide a complete pipe system for the ultrafiltration plant, the neutralisation tanks and the connecting lines for the various treatment stages. As the components come with potable water approval according to KTW and NSF61, they are the perfect choice for this application.
SIMONA® PP-H AlphaPlus® sheets were also used in a variety of applications for the attachment of measuring equipment. After a construction period of three years, with a total investment of around 14.2 million euros (net), the new Murrtal waterworks was finally ready to go into operation. The waterworks is capable of producing around 6.9 million litres of drinking water per day.