Customer information corona virus 2020 (3)
In these turbulent times, SIMONA remains fully operational and is continuing to supply its customers. We are conducting regular checks of our supply chain processes to ensure that our production and logistics departments can continue to service our customers. We still have a full order book and are available to work with you as usual.
Our staff in production, logistics and many other departments are adapting to the changing situation by adhering to strict social distancing rules and hygiene measures. In these difficult times, SIMONA has the benefit of a sound financial base. We are carrying out regular, detailed reviews of how the global situation is affecting our business. Even the worst-case scenarios show that we will overcome this crisis, both financially and structurally. We are staying in close touch with our customers, suppliers and business partners and are in a position to respond quickly if we need to adjust our capacity due to a drop in orders. As things stand, there is no sign that we will experience shortages of raw materials or supply bottlenecks over the coming weeks. Despite this, we would ask you to plan your requirements in good time in order to ensure a smooth delivery.
Our SIMOLUX sheets made of PETG are now being widely used as saliva protective screens. In this way they are helping businesses to comply with hygiene rules and slow the spread of the virus. We are also helping to flatten the infection curve by making large donations of our sheets to hospitals and food kitchens for the needy. Our priority is the health and safety of all. Please look after yourself and stay healthy!
Visit us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Xing for regular updates on the current situation, product news, reports and reviews.
Despite this period of upheaval, we wish you peaceful and sunny holidays! Perhaps you can use the time with your close family to recharge your batteries and gain fresh impetus.
Happy Easter!